Movie Information
Overall Rank: 184
Average Rating: 3.1/4
# of Ratings: 977
Theatrical Release Date: 06/08/1984
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Sci-Fi
MPAA Rating: PG
Director: Ivan Reitman
Actors: Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Rick Moranis, Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson
Plot: A unlikely group of friends, and parapsychology professors, start a business catching ghosts and demons in New York City.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/24/2019
Combining science fiction with comedy, "Ghostbusters" is unforgettably iconic.
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Matthew Brady - wrote on 08/03/2014
The film is about a unlikely group of friends, and parapsychology professors, start a business catching ghosts and demons in New York City. This movie has a great soundtrack and funny cast and characters.
Rating of
Ryan Stephen M - wrote on 03/30/2013
I currently have 886 movies ranked here on filmcrave, and i have Ghostbusters at number 2. on my favorite movie list. There is nothing about this movie that I don't like, no movie may be perfect, but this comes close. One of the funniest movies ever, and one of the best. The main cast shine in their roles as the Ghostbusters, but the supporting cast is also great.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
cinegeek.de - wrote on 07/29/2016
Our Daily Free Stream: Ghostbusters (1984). Weil wir neu & alt mögen! - Endlich wird hier einmal etwas vereint, was sich nach den Gesetzen Hollywoods abstossen sollte: 1) Ein Blockbuster voller Special Effects. 2) Eine Komödie mit klugen Dialogen, ganz so als ob eine Clique Studenten miteinander witzeln würde - denn genauso kommt mir die Truppe der Geisterjäger vor. Während also ein (para)psychologisches Erdbeben Manhattan ereilt, sprechen trotzdem alle miteinander, als sei gerade der Professor mal kurz aus dem Seminar verschwunden. Mit Ghostbusters wird zum Glück die Regel gebrochen, dass Effekte eine gute Komödie ruinieren! Ist es nicht so, dass eine Komödie Spontanität benötigt, während aber ein Effekt-Gewitter aus mühsamer Detail-Arbeit besteht? Ivan Reitmans Film kann …
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"Ghostbusters" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 01/09/2012
A trio of bumbling paranormal investigators are called in when New York City is threatened by a pan-dimensional being set on destruction. Ghostbusters was a staple of my childhood and although it's hardly the wittiest or most hilarious comedy ever written it still has so much infectious charm it's impossible to not warm to it. It works because of the fun premise and the hugely likeable leads played by an amusingly deadpan Harold Ramis, wide eyed innocent Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray who by now had perfected his sarcastic but charming smart ass persona. It doesn't have the invention of Back To The Future but is still a really nice blend of fantasy and laughs that only loses steam a little for a finale that foolishly abandons the gags in favour of rather dated special effects. But where …
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Tell Him About The Twinkie
Matthew Sanchelli - wrote on 09/18/2007
This is a timeless classic in cinema. I say this about many movies; and I find they are all usually from the 80's and early 90's;...but they just don't make movies like these anymore. These days, I think filmmakers try too hard.
In this movie you have a group of guys who end up losing their grant with a local university; therefore forcing them to go into business for themselves. Fortunately, they had gathered enough data during their time with the university to have the capabilities to catch, capture and contain any ghosts that happen to appear.
Enter the heroine of the story, Dana (played by Sigourney Weaver); who believes her apartment is haunted because eggs were cooking on the counter and there was a "dog" in her fridge.
Do we have the beginning of a deep plot …
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