Che ( Che Part 1, Che Part 2 ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 3760

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 41

Theatrical Release Date: 01/24/2009

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 01/19/2010

Language: Spanish

Genre: Biography, Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Steven Soderbergh

Actors: Benicio Del Toro, Demián Bichir, Rodrigo Santoro, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Joaquim de Almeida, Franka Potente

Plot: Follows the story of Latin American revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara, his band of Cuban exhiles (including Fidel Castro) and how they took over the island nation.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/14/2019

Part one of Steven Soderbergh's biographical epic of the controversial and heavily divisive revolutionary is a skillful, solid, and vivid first half. Although flawed to a degree, "Che: Part Two" is an excellent follow-up thanks to top form performances and directing.

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revmem - wrote on 08/29/2010

Good looking, but not a very good or deep treatment of its subject matter. There's a good set of movies to be made here, but this really isn't it.

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Rakkie - wrote on 07/02/2009

looks well made but actually its not. first of all,this movie is very unnecessary.and very boring, there is no actin, how come they ggave del toro best actor in cannes. if there must be a movie about che, should not be directed by soderberh

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

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"Che Part One" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 12/11/2012

The first part of Steven Soderbergh's Che recounts his experiences during the Cuban revolution during which he waged a guerilla war against the Batista regime. Che Guevara's iconic face has adorned many a T-shirt but few know much about the man himself so I was eager to learn about his role in world politics and history. Soderbergh's heritage as a cinematographer has always meant that he is more at home with the visual side of cinema than story telling however and Che is another example of this. It is certainly a glorious looking film but the episodic, anecdotal format is rather superficial and I never felt like I'd gotten to know the man behind the image. Benicio Del Toro portrays him as an intelligent, modest man of high principal who truly believed in what he was doing but his …


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Remember that Ernesto was, in first place, a Dr.

kustaa - wrote on 06/22/2009

Just as I can think about Irreversible as misoginist propaganda, people has the right to think that this is comunist one. Well. I don't think so. Guevara's persona is one of the most important persons in history, and that's undeniable (pls check flicks like Downfall to see what I mean) so, from a storical point of view, you have to see this.
But we're here to speak about flicks, not politics, so i've to say that the old Soderbergh from traffic (film i loved) is back. Very faithful portray of an argentinean (not perfect accent, but good enough) and of Che himself. The movie is fascinating as it is and has a great cast. Seen only first part, and very looking forward for the second. I'll experiment the flick as marathon, seeing first Diarios de motocicleta, wich depicts the very previews …


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Great movie, propaganda only for shallowheads

Bluesoul - wrote on 06/02/2009

This was a great movie (both parts) portraying the life and death of Ernesto "Che" Guevara. I can only feel sorry for people calling it a "communist propaganda film" (it's way more complex) as they're obviously too drawn into american imperialist propaganda themselves, as though anything to do with revolutions or left wing rebels is evil, bad, ugly and should be exterminated and stopped. Reviewers like masschamber remind me on each election why i never will elect anything remotely close to right wing parties, populists or so called "anti-communists" (which in most cases are far worse than what they oppose, as evidenced numerous times in worldwide right wing government, regimes and fascist military coups). They'd rather have fascist military dictatorships or even theocracies than anything …

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