Hamlet Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 4533

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 63

Theatrical Release Date: 12/19/1990

Language: English

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Franco Zeffirelli

Actors: Mel Gibson, Glenn Close, Alan Bates, Paul Scofield, Ian Holm, Helena Bonham Carter

Plot: Hamlet returns home to find his father dead and his mother now married to his uncle, Claudius. While they urge him to marry his beloved Ophelia, he is visited by his father's ghost who claims Claudius murdered him. Hamlet now has to decide what course his vengeance will take. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Topher - wrote on 06/14/2009

Frenetic, manic and charged, Gibson's Hamlet is by far the most believably insane. Although he never comes off as clever as Kenneth Branagh, or indecisive as Ethan Hawke, Gibson is thoroughly tormented as Hamlet, making him my favorite. Grimly set in a dirty old castle, this version best plays on the themes of corruption and decay. It's the earthiest version, the one with the breath of the plague upon it. Scenes are mixed around, significantly out of order, but the abridgement all-in-all is for the best.

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