I Care a Lot Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 12960

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 11

Theatrical Release Date: 02/19/2021

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Crime

MPAA Rating: R

Director: J Blakeson

Actors: Rosamund Pike, Peter Dinklage, Eiza González, Dianne Wiest, Chris Messina, Isiah Whitlock Jr.

Full Movie Reviews

FilmCrave User
FilmCrave User
Aspiring Actress

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Netflix Movie Review: I Care A Lot.

FilmCrave User - wrote on 05/29/2021

The voice of Rosamund Pike feels like "Gone Girl" has moved on to another mark, in another world. But, "I Care A Lot" is not "Gone Girl". Pike plays a devious monstrous embezzler instead of a devious monstrous psychopath. So there's the difference.

Legal guardian scams might have been in the news a few times. Pike gives us a look into the "dog eat dog" mentality of people who assume control (or care as they put it) over the elderly and infirm, usurping their assets in the process. That's just the film talking, and of course the odd mention of it in the press.

As hard as it may seem, it is best to go into this movie without prior expectations. Once you do, you can expect to be shocked by how Pike's Marla Grayson cavalier attitude towards grifting seniors by legally …

Matthew Brady
Matthew Brady
Movie God

Rating of

I Care a Lot...for Dianne Wiest freedom.

Matthew Brady - wrote on 03/09/2021

There's not a single likable character in this whole movie for me to latch onto. So, at the end I didn't care...hehe. I also found the message of the movie confusing, because it has that empowering feel to it, like a "girl boss moment!", even though they are either doing awful things and how none of it was earned, which rubbed me the wrong way. It sends out the wrong message that doing terrible things or destroying other people’s lives (not just the bad guys) is OK, I guess.

It also doesn't help this was written by a dude named J Blakeson, a dreadful screenwriter who's previous writing credit was the unnecessary sequel to 'The Descent'. So yeah, this wasn't in good hands at the start.

This is honestly the most annoying movie experience I've had in a while. So shallow and …

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