Operation Mincemeat Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 27925

Average Rating: 2.1/4

# of Ratings: 5

Theatrical Release Date: 05/11/2022

Language: English

Genre: Drama, War

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: John Madden

Actors: Colin Firth, Matthew Macfadyen, Kelly Macdonald, Rufus Wright, Ruby Bentall, Charlotte Hamblin

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Oldpinkdogbar - wrote on 06/18/2022

Tedious and completely fails to build any suspense. A large portion of the movie gets sidetracked with an absolutely excruciating love triangle between 3 people who have no perceivable chemistry with each other. I normally live WWII films but this one was a complete waste of time.

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 05/15/2022

Handsomely staged espionage thriller inspired by a true life operation by British intelligence officers to fool the Nazis during World War 2. Good performances by the cast and the direction by John Madden (Shakespeare in Love) makes it quite entertaining. Some of the subplots do lean on romantic entanglements which bog the movie down.

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