We're All Going to the World's Fair Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 32761

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 2

Theatrical Release Date: 01/31/2021

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Horror

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Jane Schoenbrun

Actors: Anna Cobb, Holly Anne Frink, Michael J Rogers

Plot: A teen girl attempting a viral challenge with a horror theme posts the results online with increasingly bizarre videos - but it's all just a part of the game... right? -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 10/04/2022

The true horror here is the extent the modern youth is willing to go to in order to remain relevant in an increasingly online social-media driven society. Anna Cobb shines in here film debut and while the movie really only has a few creepy moments, this feels like Eighth Grade mixed with Paranormal Activity on a smaller scale. If you want pure horror, you will be disappointed but if you want a lens into today's insistence on putting everything online - damn the consequences - here it is and that's truly scary.

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