Causeway Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 6775

Average Rating: 3/4

# of Ratings: 4

Theatrical Release Date: 11/04/2022

Language: English

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Lila Neugebauer

Actors: Jennifer Lawrence, Brian Tyree Henry, Linda Emond, Danny Wolohan, Jayne Houdyshell, Neal Huff

Plot: After suffering a traumatic brain injury in Afghanistan, a soldier returns home and struggles to adapt back to her regular life. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 02/10/2023

"Causeway" is a modest but affecting movie that's emotional power lies beneath its placid surface. While I wasn't surprised by where it goes, I was pleased to have been brought along for the journey.

Full Movie Reviews

Matthew Brady
Matthew Brady
Movie God

Rating of

Causeway - Review

Matthew Brady - wrote on 12/03/2022

"It would be good to have someone around. Have coffee with in the morning. Smoke in the evening. Cook dinner sometimes."

I didn't have many expectations as this movie was not on my radar. I thought it was going to be an overly-praised, boring movie. However, I'm pleasantly surprised by how engaged I was in this. My eyes were fixated on the screen by the beautiful but tragic characters finding a bond for their pain.

It's a patient character-driven film, with two fantastic and subtle performances from Jennifer Lawrence and Brian Tyees Henry. As a performer myself, it was a joy to see character choices that may be small but are significant and robust. Especially Brian Tyees Henry, who would be drinking throughout most of the film, and the way he lays his head on the beer bottle, …

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