Hot Fuzz Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 355

Average Rating: 3/4

# of Ratings: 680

Theatrical Release Date: 03/14/2007

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Action

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Edgar Wright

Actors: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Martin Freeman, Bill Nighy, Robert Popper, Timothy Dalton

Plot: The top cop in London is too good at his job, so he is sent to a quiet country village where crime is nonexistant, however, not all is as it seems.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/25/2019

A followup to "Shaun of the Dead," "Hot Fuzz" is a hilariously funny and original cop comedy.

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Indyfreak - wrote on 09/16/2018

Fun buddy movie that features a better story and character development than a lot of serious-minded cop movies. Simon Pegg is surprisingly convincing as an action lead.

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Matthew Brady - wrote on 03/08/2014

"Here come's the fuzz". The top cop in London is too good at his job, so he is sent to a quiet country village where crime is nonexistant, however, not all is as it seems. this is the best movie of 2007 but to bad it didn't make that much money.this movie has well written jokes and good action and I like this one more then Shaun of the Dead.

Full Movie Reviews

Rating of

Zwei Genres - wrote on 03/14/2016

Danke, Simon Pegg und Edgar Wright! Als ob wirs noch nie gesehen hätten, führen sie uns ein in die Welt der Polizisten und die des Verbrechens. Sie schenken uns ein neues Genre, im Grunde sogar zwei! Das tun sie mit unbändigem Spass und einem kultiviertem Sinn für die Unterschiede britischen und amerikanischen Verbrechens. Nicht zuletzt: Es gibt einige wirklich grosse Lacher! Pegg spielt den Polizisten Nicholas Angel, einen heftig motivierten und überaus erfolgreichen Londoner Cop. Die Verbrechensrate sinkt in seinem Einsatzgebiet, doch damit stellt er auch die weniger bemühten Kollegen bloss. Deshalb wird Angel nach Sandford versetzt - in ein verschlafenes Provinz-Kaff. Sein neuer Partner, Danny Butterman (Frost), ein übergewichtiger und nachsichtiger "Bobby" mit Kulleraugen, …


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Shaun of the Dead multiplied by two.

memento_mori - wrote on 07/26/2013

In continuation to Edgar Wright's outstanding and surprising zombie comedy comes another extraordinary directorial effort: buddy cop spoof Hot Fuzz.

I called the title to this review 'Shaun of the Dead multiplied by two.', because that's exactly what it is. It went bigger, it went funnier, it went sillier and it went better.
Simon Pegg knows how to write a comedy. Edgar Wright knows how to direct a comedy. As a duo, they are invincible and have my respect.
Wright has a very in-your-face style, intercutting quick-shots and distorted noises to eliminate any awkward moments. While some criticize the absurdity and outrageousness of the filming, but I find it perfect.
What some comedies don't do correctly is the delivery of the jokes. They are so obsessed with the quality of the jokes …

Movie God

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"Hot Fuzz" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 05/21/2012

Nicholas Angel is such a good cop, he's shipped off to the most law-abiding village in the country to stop him showing up the rest of the force. This brilliant pastiche of the Hollywood action movie is brought to you by the same team as Shaun Of The Dead, and has the same mix of silly one-liners, slapstick and spoofery. Transferring all of the familiar action cliches and plot devices to rural England was a masterstroke, and Pegg's obvious love of cult film and TV offers up a wealth of targets for homages, from Bad Boys II to The Stepford Wives to The Wicker Man. In many ways, Simon Pegg is the Quentin Tarantino of British film comedy; there are so many throwaway gags that it'll take multiple viewings to spot them all and I'm sure that the majority of the film references will be lost on a …

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