Movie Information
Overall Rank: 2274
Average Rating: 2.8/4
# of Ratings: 149
Theatrical Release Date: 12/27/2002
Language: English
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Stephen Daldry
Actors: Julianne Moore, Ed Harris, Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman, Claire Danes, Jeff Daniels
Plot: The story of three women living in three different time periods dealing with hardships in life and suicide.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
mitchellyoung - wrote on 05/07/2012
The Hours is a dour and morose film that, at its best, provides a heartbreaking portrayal of characters coping with personal tragedy and, at its worst, is a weepy and overdone art film. Thankfully, the majority of the film lives up to the former. Ed Harris is a real standout here.
Rating of
Ghost Seed - wrote on 04/12/2011
I watched this movie while on my journey through films about writers... what a gigantic disappointment. The screenplay was unnatural and better suited for the stage. It actually ended up hurting the performances. Though there was an attempt to touch on heart-wrenching topics, it came across as overkill.. And I have to say, this interpretation of Virginia Woolf was quite weak and almost cartoonish. Most of the story was sprinkled with desperate reaches to keep audiences interested. What a drag.
Rating of
sapien - wrote on 12/29/2009
The first half of the movie was way too artsy for me to get into it. But then, towards the end, things got much better. And, I started enjoying it.
Full Movie Reviews
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The Hours review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 06/25/2013
One of the best well-casted/written downers this reviewer has ever seen which all boils down to love and relationships. The premise was simple and yet made complicated. It introduces three different women in various timelines. Virginia Woolf (Nicole Kidman) is from the 1940's, in 1951 Laura Brown's (Julianne Moore) harrowing story unfolds and in 2001, New Yorker Clarissa Vaughan's (Meryl Streep) experience of taking care of a former lover/friend Richard (Ed Harris), who is a poet and author living with AIDS. It's score brings out more emotion of each frame and camera work was detailed. It's pacing however and back and forth direction was not as pleasant an experience. It's most glaring strength were the three leads, especially Kidman who deservedly won an Academy Award. Screenplay …
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