Movie Information
Overall Rank: 5586
Average Rating: 2.6/4
# of Ratings: 38
Theatrical Release Date: 08/01/1997
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Drama
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Neil LaBute
Actors: Aaron Eckhart, Stacy Edwards, Matt Malloy, Mark Rector, Emily Cline, Michael Martin
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Allison - wrote on 07/05/2009
Neil LaBute is educated and refined, but you'd never know that from watching this film. It is pure evil and filth, an exercise in brutality. Even though LaBute has fared pretty well in his career (with the exception of an occasional bomb), thankfully he has never made as terrible of a film as this one again.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
They're conniving bastards!
Adict - wrote on 05/24/2010
Aaron Eckhart embodies vicious in a truly immoral way. You don't want to laugh at him and his constant berating of office workers with quips like, "Do you know this guy? I hate him. He's a whole new breed of fuck-strain."
That's his description of everyone once they leave the room. As to whether you snicker or walk away is up to you. Pick your poison, because you know what he'll say once you walk out.
This movie was released again this past year, it was retitled Up In The Air, and audiences seemed to enjoy Eckhart's character recast as a smaller female part and having George Clooney rather than a balding momma's boy. Where Up In The Air blossoms in its relationship nuances, In The Company Of Men blossoms in its cruel observations of the common evil amongst men: They're conniving …
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