King Kong Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 16099

Average Rating: 2.2/4

# of Ratings: 64

Theatrical Release Date: 12/17/1976

Language: English

Genre: Adventure, Fantasy

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: John Guillermin

Actors: Jeff Bridges, Charles Grodin, Jessica Lange, John Randolph, Rene Auberjonois, Jack O'Halloran

Quick Movie Reviews

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Yojimbo - wrote on 11/04/2012

Amusingly bad 70s remake of the ape related classic.

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Movie God

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One of the 1970s' biggest mistakes...

Indyfreak - wrote on 02/04/2015

An apparently expensive yet strangely boring remake of the quintessential monster movie that does one thing right in one respect and that is the relationship between King Kong and his female captive. Here it's actually developed into a friendship of sorts. That said, the movie is bad. This was made in the same decade that films like Jaws, Star Wars, and Alien were produced yet it is sometimes sillier than the original King Kong.
No effort was made to utilize state of the art special effects to include dinosaurs for King Kong to fight (all we get is a rubber python). How the hell this won the Oscar for Best Special Effects (which it shared with the equally atrocious Logan's Run) is beyond me.
The cast is suitable yet still you feel like they're wasted. Jeff Bridges is the hero, a …

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