Lady in the Water Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 19178

Average Rating: 2.1/4

# of Ratings: 132

Theatrical Release Date: 07/21/2006

Language: English

Genre: Fantasy, Thriller

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: M. Night Shyamalan

Actors: Paul Giamatti, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jeffrey Wright, Freddy Rodr?guez, M. Night Shyamalan, Jeffrey Wright

Plot: A mystery surrounding a pool, a lady, a fairy tale, and the tenants who inhabit the aparment area all depending on the Janitor to solve the mystery.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 03/13/2020

A frustrating and uninspired trudge through a fantasy I didn't care to know the outcome of, "Lady in the Water" lures you in with promises of vision and whimsy only to let you down with a boring vanity project that has neither of those things. That's the REAL twist.

Rating of

SIngli6 - wrote on 05/10/2017

This is a masterpiece of vanity and ineptitude. The shots are terribly blocked, the acting is so stilted a deer with a car headlight shone in its face could do better, and M. Night Shyamalan has a major supporting role as the messiah.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 08/09/2014

Once again M. Night Shyamalan fails again.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

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"Lady In The Water" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 03/18/2012

A solitary motel caretaker finds a young woman in the swimming pool and discovers that she is a water nymph who he must help to escape the clutches of an evil creature lurking in the backyard. MNS finally ditches his trademark "twist" formula for which I am thankful because that got real old, real fast. Instead he has produced a modern fairytale that reminded me a little of the work of Hayao Miyazaki and Tim Burton. Paul Giamatti brings pathos, and more importantly, humour to his part, something sorely missing from MNS' previous work; I always thought he took himself far too seriously. Bryce Dallas Howard's elfin beauty also makes for a perfect nymph, and their relationship is sweetly endearing. Pretty much all of the other characters are a little too peripheral and underwritten and the …


Rating of


shutterspeed777 - wrote on 04/23/2009

Just one of the "mystic" series of M. NIGHT SHYAMALAN. Oddly enough he comes up with some spectacular ones, and some real downers. 'THE HAPPENING' happens to be one of them zzzzz'ers. Now for this particular release, I'm just flat out baffled. My whole family has staged a mutiny against me on this one. I hope it doesn't end up in divorce. My friends stared at me with both disgust and disappointment. WHAT?? I love this film! I'm not gonna check all my FilmCrave friends to see whether they might delete me out of their friends' list coz I happen to dig the lady. I will stand on my ground.

Look it's a beautiful story of 'STORY' the lady in the pool..I mean the water. Which happens to be in a pool. A pool that happens to contain a large amount of water which underneath leads to …


Rating of

It's actually pretty good

patjohnson76 - wrote on 06/25/2008

I liked Lady in the Water. I'll admit, the first time I saw it I didn't really care for it, but I couldn't stop thinking about it so I watched it again and really appreciated it the second time. A lot of people hate on this movie, but I find out all the time that people who say this movie is bad haven't even seen it or didn't finish it. It definitely makes more sense the second time around. I can see why critics didn't like it, as he involves a movie critic character who meets a gruesome fate, and Night probably shouldn't have cast himself as the vessel with the story that was going to change mankind. So, it's not shocking that critics hated it nor is it shocking to see so many reviews on here making fun of the film as well, since people think the cool thing to do is make fun of M …

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