Ladyhawke Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 2423

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 92

Theatrical Release Date: 04/12/1985

Language: English

Genre: Fantasy, Adventure

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Richard Donner

Actors: Matthew Broderick, Rutger Hauer, Michelle Pfeiffer, Alfred Molina, Leo McKern, John Wood

Plot: Captain Navarre and Lady Isabeau have been on the run for more than two years. The evil Bishop of Aquila, consumed by jealousy and outraged by Lady Isabeau's refusal of his advances, orders the death of Navarre and curses the lovers. Navarre becomes a wolf by night, Lady Isabeau becomes a hawk by day. With the help of an unlikely ally, thief Philippe Gaston, they must confront the Bishop if there is any hope of breaking the curse. But will they reach the Bishop in time or will the curse become eternal? -- serioussir

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 12/09/2012

An attractive attempt to do something different with the swords and sorcery genre with some memorable moments, but some of the production value looks like a Monty Python movie and it's permeated by 80s cheese.

Rating of

Ikkinbot - wrote on 07/15/2010

This is a great B-movie and well worth watching for all lovers of fantasy and adventure movies. Also, I generally recommend watching anything with Rutger Hauer in it as you'll probably have some fun.

Rating of

serioussir - wrote on 05/20/2008

Anyone who loves fantasy and romance will love this film. Broderick is so funny and endearing. Hauer is a dark, tough leading man. Pfeiffer is wonderful as the beautiful, mysterious Ladyhawke. Lots of fighting and good versus evil that will keep the men interested as well as the ladies.

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