Movie Information
Overall Rank: 363
Average Rating: 3.1/4
# of Ratings: 419
Theatrical Release Date: 08/17/1979
Language: English
Genre: Comedy
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Terry Jones
Actors: Terry Gilliam, Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Jones, Eric Idle, Michael Palin
Plot: During the time of Jesus, a boy is born in the stable next to the Messiah, his name is Brian and he is often mistaken for the messiah.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/25/2019
Monty Python proved themselves as the kings of satirical comedy with this classic biblical spoof.
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Matthew Brady - wrote on 05/02/2014
The films about a boy is born in the stable next to the Messiah, his name is Brian and he is often mistaken for the messiah. This movie was hard to sit throw at the first but it got better as it went along and more funny-er.
Rating of
mitchellyoung - wrote on 12/08/2011
This isn't close to the unstoppable insanity that is "The Holy Grail," but it's still a competent satire that takes some sly shots at organized religion and still remains very funny, without being entirely sacreligilous or disrespectful.
Full Movie Reviews
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Monty Python's Life of Brian review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 12/05/2012
One of the popular comedies of all time, this picture delivers. With their type of films always expect silliness and wacky characters. Very racy for its time though it doesn't poke fun at religion and Jesus in general. Best bits would be when the roman soldiers giggle at the sound of Biggus Dickus, crowd chanting for Brian and the crucifixion party. Most entertaining character would come from Pontius Pilate. Sets, costumes and direction were gorgeous and way better than The Holy Grail. Screenplay was good with lines: "You've got to think for yourselves!" "What have the Romans ever done for us?" singing: "Always look on the bright side of life." and "I'm Brian and so's my wife" Life of Brian is hilarious comedy on politics, optimism outlook on life and religion despite it's …
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"Monty Python's Life Of Brian" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 12/15/2011
A boy is born in the stable next door to Jesus and is dismayed when he unwittingly acquires a throng of followers who believe him to be the messiah. This parody of the swords and sandals epic from the Monty Python team came under a lot of fire from religious groups who saw it as blasphemy at the time of its release, which is ironic because that is exactly the kind of narrow-mindedness that the film makes fun of. Despite the moments of random Python silliness that most remember about the film (and actually produces most of the laughs) Life Of Brian is really a smart social satire promoting tolerance and individuality. It has plenty of laugh out loud moments and one-liners but this disguises the kind of intelligent message that most comedies fail to include. I've perhaps seen it too many …
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