Movie Information
Overall Rank: 5831
Average Rating: 2.6/4
# of Ratings: 43
Theatrical Release Date: 11/08/1978
Language: English
Genre: Drama, Horror
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Richard Attenborough
Actors: Anthony Hopkins, Ann-Margret, Burgess Meredith, Ed Lauter, E.J. André, David Ogden Stiers
Plot: A ventriloquist is at the mercy of his vicious dummy while he tries to
renew a romance with his high school sweetheart.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
dukeakasmudge - wrote on 09/11/2011
Not to bad of a movie.Fats The Dummy & Anthony Hopkins kinda reminded of the Batman comicbook character who always has The Scarface dummy & cant do anything without him
Rating of
kissarmy71 - wrote on 06/28/2008
This is a great suspense/horror movie. Anthony Hopkins is great in this movie and i really didn't know where this movie was going until around the middle. you have to give this one a chance to get started before you judge. No gore or special effects, a classic. I was really afraid of puppets after watching this movie when I was a kid. Highly recommended
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Creepy - fascinating performance by Hopkins
mdtinney - wrote on 11/13/2009
Sir Richard Attenbourough does a fine job directing this film about a magician that has little charm, personality, or self-confidence who must take a dummy into his act to let himself become famous. The only trouble is that the fine line that exists between the dummy and the ventriloquist becomes much too fine. Anthony Hopkins is really good as this shy, awkward man slowly descending into a world of madness as great success looms over the horizon. Hopkins also does the voice of the dummy, Fats, and lends his unique voice talents to create a very disturbing, eerie screen presence. The dummy is in many ways larger than life, and he steals almost every scene he is in. No supernatural puppet coming to life here, yet the character of Corky(Hopkins) gives his life to this dummy in a very …
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