Movie Information
Overall Rank: 6361
Average Rating: 2.5/4
# of Ratings: 292
Theatrical Release Date: 05/04/2001
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 07/08/2008
Language: English
Genre: Adventure, Action
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Stephen Sommers
Actors: Brendan Fraser, Arnold Vosloo, Rachel Weisz, Oded Fehr, John Hannah, Dwayne Johnson
Plot: An American soldier who is capture during a raid near an Egyptian landmark is later released because of his knowledge of a strange happening that could be linked to famous tombs.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
worleyjamers - wrote on 07/07/2013
Still fun, but adding annoying, bratty children is never a good addition to a series.
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"The Mummy Returns" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 05/19/2012
Brendan Fraser and co are once again terrorised by cartoon mummies in this typical Hollywood sequel; it tries so hard to outdo the first that the ingredients that made it work get lost in the flabby, overblown excess. The Mummy worked because it had fun interplay between hugely likeable characters, only marred by the over-reliance on cartoony CGI. So what did Sommers do? Cut out all the characterisation and dialogue, and put in loads more CGI...Fraser and Weisz's kooky romance is replaced by schmaltzy married bliss complete with precocious brat, and Hannah's character does little more than bicker with an 8 year old. The plot consists of stereotypes spouting cliches between race against time chase sequences and as soon as they conclude the baddies immediately reappear and start another …
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