Once Upon a Time in Mexico Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 5704

Average Rating: 2.6/4

# of Ratings: 148

Theatrical Release Date: 09/12/2003

Language: English

Genre: Crime, Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Robert Rodriguez

Actors: Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Johnny Depp, Mickey Rourke, Eva Mendes, Danny Trejo

Plot: El Mariachi is called back into action by a corrupt CIA agent as the Mexican president calls for war against a drug cartel and faces a coup from an equally corrupt general. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 06/26/2011

I agree that there are issues with the story, but the movie is so tight and quick that it doesn't bother me too much. Some great action and better acting than in the previous two films. It's fun.

Rating of

comfortablynumb - wrote on 11/22/2009

Didn't care for this movie as much as the first 2 films (Desperado, El Mariachi)

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 11/07/2008

Although I really like Desperado, this third film fails to make the same impact, even with Johnny Depp along for the ride. It still has that stylized, glossy look, but the impact is gone and the story meanders too much.

Full Movie Reviews

Matthew Brady
Matthew Brady
Movie God

Rating of


Matthew Brady - wrote on 08/29/2014

Agent Sands: "Are you a MEXI-CAN or a MEXI-CAN'T?". Now this is what you call a very cheesy movie.

El Mariachi has retreated into a life of isolation. He is forced out of hiding when Sands, a corrupt CIA agent, recruits the reclusive hero to sabotage an assassination plot against the president of Mexico, which has been conceived by the evil cartel kingpin, Barillo. But El Mariachi also has his own reasons for returning--blood revenge.

This movie is so out of control and so silly but that is what Robert Rodriguez does. The characters are okay for the most part but Johnny Depp's (Agent Sands) is by the best character in this whole film. The stunts are good but I think the villains could have been done better because there are pretty forgettable.

Movie God

Rating of

"Once Upon A Time In Mexico" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 12/20/2011

Robert Rodriguez once again tries to out-pulp his long term collaborator Quentin Tarantino in yet another remake of El Mariachi. He makes no bones as to his intentions, the opening credit proclaiming it "A Robert Rodriguez flick" rather than "film", and the result is a slickly entertaining but rather vacuous affair. Desperado had just the right mix of drama, humour and action but this sequel is rather lacking in the dramatic momentum that involves the audience. I think the problem is that Banderas' character is easily the least interesting of the ensemble cast; he does little more than mope around and shoot stuff in increasingly over the top set pieces to the point where it starts to feel like a hispanic Jackie Chan movie without the jokes. Far more interesting is Johnny Depp's amoral …

The M.O.W.
The M.O.W.

Rating of

See the other films in the trilogy first

The M.O.W. - wrote on 08/01/2008

"El Mariachi" (Antonio Banderas) is back, and is recruited by a corrupt CIA agent (Johnny Depp) to prevent the assassination of the president of Mexico, which is being planned by cartel lord, "Barrillo" (Willem Dafoe).

"Once Upon A Time In Mexico" is a disappointing action movie with a weak plot, and only fair performances by the entire cast.

The movie drags on between shootouts, and can be really boring. There is not enough character development to care for anybody, however this is the last of a trilogy, so character development is there. I never saw any of the other movies in the trilogy, so I don't know who is new, and who isn't.

The visuals are equally boring. Mexican architecture is mostly reds and light browns, and doesn't lend itself to something visually attractive. …

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