Outbreak Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 3721

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 206

Theatrical Release Date: 03/10/1995

Language: English

Genre: Thriller

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Wolfgang Petersen

Actors: Dustin Hoffman, Morgan Freeman, Rene Russo, Kevin Spacey, Cuba Gooding Jr., Donald Sutherland

Plot: A deadly virus gets loose and a whole town must be quarantined to keep the virus contained. Extreme measures must be taken to save the world.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 08/25/2020

Wow, I cannot believe most of the cast in this movie have been cancelled. Anywhere...'Outbreak' is terrifying, especially right now. I mean, just step outside and you will think you are in a movie. I found it eerie how some scenes echo what is happening right now, such as: Lockdown and people refusing to follow health and safety measures. The performances from the main cast helped sell that sense of fear, even though the movie at times does lean back into Hollywood fluff. If only happy endings do exist.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 11/14/2011

One of the better disease centered movies I've seen.

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 06/05/2011

The concept of a killer virus is interesting, but the execution is poor. The plot is too wide-reaching and, when the film moves away from its central characters and tries to do too much, the connection with those characters suffers, which is a shame, because they are all played by commanding actors.

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Movie God

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Quarantine @ #32 of my Top Movie List.

mdtinney - wrote on 05/26/2009

This is a very good film! It has an all star cast which includes Donald Sutherland, Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo, Morgan Freeman, J.T. Walsh, Cuba Gooding Jr. Patrick Dempsey, and Kevin Spacey! The film has very good acting from all of the great and talented actors and most of the others are good as well! Hoffman was excellent and in fact this arguably could be his best performance! Sutherland, Freeman, Russo, and Spacey was as good as always! The performance by Gooding Jr. was very good! J.T. Walsh's brief role was played excellently! I think he put everything he could into it! It was really a fantastic performance! The helicopter chase seen was awesome! It was incredible how it was filmed and its very intense! The music by James Newton Howard is very good! Good directing by Wolfgang …

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