Movie Information
Overall Rank: 5904
Average Rating: 2.7/4
# of Ratings: 25
Theatrical Release Date: 04/08/1994
Language: English
Genre: Thriller
MPAA Rating: R
Director: John Dahl
Actors: Nicolas Cage, Craig Reay, J.T. Walsh, Lara Flynn Boyle, Robert Apel, Dennis Hopper
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Allison - wrote on 10/18/2008
This movie is so weird. And it steals David Lynch's actors from three of his different projects: Dennis Hopper (Blue Velvet), Nicholas Cage (Wild at Heart) and Lara Flynn Boyle (Twin Peaks series). Dennis Hopper is scary as usual, but this time he has a southern accent. Nicholas Cage double crosses everyone and so, he stands prominently in the way of danger. Overall, it wasn't that great, but it was definitely trying to be.
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"Red Rock West" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 03/25/2012
Mistaken for a hired killer, drifter Nicolas Cage is offered $5,000 to murder a local bar owner's wife, who in turn offers him $10,000 to return the favour. Planning to just keep the money and skip town, he finds leaving Red Rock is a lot harder than he figured. This heavily Tarantino influenced noir-western hybrid has so many twists and turns, double crosses and double bluffs that by the end you're not sure you're coming or going. It's also a little dated as Lara Flynn Boyle must surely be the worst dressed femme fatale in cinema history. On the plus side, it looks good, has a nice soundtrack and is short and efficient enough to not outstay its welcome. Cage is doing his put-upon "this can't be happening to me!" persona rather than the usual bellowed sarcasm so he's quite bearable and …
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