Rocky III Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 4235

Average Rating: 2.6/4

# of Ratings: 240

Theatrical Release Date: 05/28/1982

Language: English

Genre: Action, Sport

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Sylvester Stallone

Actors: Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Carl Weathers, Burgess Meredith, Mr. T

Plot: The beloved Rocky is challenged by a loud-mouthed boxer. -- sapien

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 02/10/2014

"The eye of the tiger". The beloved Rocky is challenged by a loud-mouthed boxer. This movie has a Bad-ass villain and a sad scene in the middle.

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 10/07/2012

The film that saw the Rocky series ditch any attempt at subtlety or depth and adopt the now familiar formula. On the plus side, MR. T!!

Rating of

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 02/20/2012

Rocky (Stallone) plans on retiring but is taunted by Clubber (Mr. T). The humor was emphasized with outrageous scenes during the training. Insults from Clubber were too much and the new training gym was just unbelievable. Mickey Goldmill’s (Burgess Meredith) demise was depressing and Apolli getting soft on Rocky was a bit ludicrous. One of the lines that sum up the film - Adrian – “Why you’re human aren’t you?” It shows that Rocky can become vulnerable and a worthy and fierce foe like Apollo can be a friend. The picture was a bit over dramatic, sappy and overdone. Rocky should definitely have ended in Rocky III.

Full Movie Reviews

Dark Vengeance 9
Dark Vengeance 9

Rating of

The Funnest Rocky Film

Dark Vengeance 9 - wrote on 11/21/2011

Rocky III is a classic film in a variety of ways: It is Mr. T's first acting role and most iconic, it's theme is the famous song "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor which debuts in this film, and its the most action-packed Rocky film. This movie has a unique strength and weakness in the franchise. Rocky III is direct and to the point; there is rarely an unnecessary scene in the film. It always has something eventful occurring. The problem is with the human interest scenes for Rocky and his relationships with his wife, trainer, and Apollo Creed. While Rocky I and II did a great job providing character understanding and sympathy, Rocky III tries briefly and fails. This Rocky is the action filled fun Rocky, not the heartfelt underdog story of the first two. Rocky III is a very fun film that is …

The M.O.W.
The M.O.W.

Rating of

Almost loses "The Eye of the Tiger" itself

The M.O.W. - wrote on 07/27/2009

"Rocky Balboa" (Sylvester Stallone, who also wrote and directed the movie), the Professional Boxing World Heavyweight Champion, is living the life he sought. He lives in a huge house with his family, has been on the cover of various magazines and has numerous endorsment deals. However, unknown to him, he has gotten soft inside the ring to the point where his manager, "Mickey" (Burgess Meredith) booked him in bouts with inferior fighters. Even getting in the ring with the cocky professional wrestling star, "Thunderlips" (Hulk Hogan in his acting debut).

He lost his edge, and "Mickey" knew it. However, the champ wouldn't believe it. He even went against "Mickey's" orders, and accepted the challenge of "Clubber Lang" (Mr. T in one of his most famous roles), a tough, bad attitude boxer …

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