Salvador Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 3706

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 49

Theatrical Release Date: 04/23/1986

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Thriller

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Oliver Stone

Actors: James Woods, James Belushi, Michael Murphy, John Savage, Elpidia Carrillo, Cynthia Gibb

Plot: A out of work photographer goes to El Salvador to chronicle the war going on and ends up finding more... -- Gabe

Quick Movie Reviews

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gideon43 - wrote on 06/02/2010

Long before Oliver Stone became obsessed with American Presidents, he made superb highly politically charged war Movies. Salvador at first glance merely looks like a prototype for his Oscar winning Vietnam movie, Platoon (1987) but on second viewing, this raw and compelling movie more than holds its own. Inevitably critical Of U.S involvement, Salvador has enough exploit and incident to satisfy even the most die hard action fan but it is in chronicling the chaotic turmoil in El Salvador at that time that Stone ultimately succeeds. James Woods gives the performance of a lifetime and gives his character an incredible resonance, which eventually defines the movie and the message it is attempting to purvey.

Rating of

Allison - wrote on 06/18/2008

This movie didn't live up to my expectations at all, however I love Oliver Stone's style. I'm glad I finally saw this one.

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Gabe - wrote on 02/18/2008

A good film by Oliver Stone that features a great Oscar nominated performance by James Woods (Belushi is also great). I suggest seeing Romero also to get some more background information about the Civil War in El Salvador.

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"Salvador" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 03/04/2012

Has-been gonzo journalist James Woods sees the civil unrest in El Salvador as a opportunity to make some money but when his Salvadoran girlfriend and her family become embroiled in the violence his attitudes soon change. Salvador is a damning criticism of the US' continued and shameful interference in the affairs of foreign countries. The Reagan era saw the US giving aid to any despot or monster for the sole reason of the fact they were not part of the communist "threat", and funded the military junta in El Salvador despite their atrocious human rights record. The core of the film is Woods' tirade against the US' "military adviser": "Yes I'm left wing but that doesn't make me a communist! When will you people learn to tell the difference?" Showing many of the horrific events of the …

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