The Scorpion King Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 18825

Average Rating: 2.1/4

# of Ratings: 127

Theatrical Release Date: 04/19/2002

Language: English

Genre: Action, Adventure

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Chuck Russell

Actors: Dwayne Johnson, Steven Brand, Peter Facinelli, Branscombe Richmond, Kelly Hu, Sherri Howard

Plot: A warrior captures the sorcerer in Egyptian times - showing us how the scorpion king became a legend.

Quick Movie Reviews

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Matthew Brady - wrote on 08/13/2014

A spin-off that didn't work at all. The Scorpion King is about a warrior captures the sorcerer in Egyptian times - showing us how the scorpion king became a legend. This is back when Dwayne Johnson wasn't such a good actor and it really shows his early mistakes. The set in this movie I thought was well done and the other cast did a fine job of what there got. They are some really big problems in this movie like the villain is so bland and boring, the characters are forgettable.

Rating of

Alaine - wrote on 12/15/2011

Well, they tried. It made some money.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 11/22/2011

Dumb, lame spinoff of the Mummy series. I'm just glad the Rock was able to make better movies after this.

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Movie God

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"The Scorpion King" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 04/07/2012

The Rock plays an assassin who is hired to kill a sorceress whose guidance aids the tyrant his people are attempting to overthrow. Conan The Barbarian meets The Arabian Nights in this spin off to Steven Sommers' Mummy franchise, The Rock showing a very similar screen presence to Arnie in his early days. This is basically purely formulaic popcorn film-making; the plot is entirely predictable and the usual catalogue of characters (brave lone warrior, sexy princess in distress, cowardly sidekick, streetwise kid, old eccentric, grudging ally) are all present and correct. But Dwayne's background as a pro-wrestler holds him in good stead for some energetic fights sequences, there's enough tongue in cheek humour to maintain the interest and it's cheerfully unpretentious. Completely forgettable …

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