Movie Talk Posts
Ikkinbot - wrote on 2009-04-18 21:30
I'm not worried about his antic as I believe Bale always freaks out on set and still manages to be great. Also, I think it is better not to compare series reinventions, but to try to appreciate them in their own right. So, this defiantly will not change my opinion of T1 or T2, however, I try not to remember T3.
Alex - wrote on 2009-03-08 11:52
Just saw the newest trailer. Looks better than before. Still, Bale's choke antics make me wonder how good this will be?
movieMagic - wrote on 2009-01-04 19:26
I think it will be good actually. I am just disappointed in the rating.
Northeast Kid - wrote on 2008-12-31 09:37
Christian Bale can't save this mess of an action flick. I am sure it will blow. Why do they keep making these sequels?
movieMagic - wrote on 2008-12-30 09:01
I saw it in the theater (the trailer). It looked amazing. I think it could be done really well - but the pg 13 rating and the blockbuster aspect brings huge disappointment!
KPl. - wrote on 2008-12-21 20:09
Well, here's my pi$$ and moan, I hope you like it, it's my first.When preggo Kate is screaming like a silly goose from the cabin of the UH-1, there appears to be noone else there. What a waste of a valuable aircraft and utterly useless to her husband if he needs a little firepower to assist in a hot extract.Next scene Common appears to be the only one with a gun while hero boy is being his typical useless-twit self and sortanator is on the other side as they hobble his sorry butt 'back to duh choppa'. Also wrong. Marcus should fireman Connor like a sack of cotton candy and Common should have his gun UP and pointed towards the maximum threat because he's their sole source of cover. I mean let's get past the whole social issue thing and THINK here people.Add to this the typical 'man wants to end war so he can enjoy wife's preggohood' feminization of Bale's character and it just becomes harder and harder to believe these idiots know how to fight a war at all.
Alex - wrote on 2008-12-21 18:13
The new trailer looks pretty dang good but I am still disappointed. It is too commercialized. I don't think it will take anything from T1 or T2.
terminator salvation can never top T2......but i hope they will make it better than T3
Chris Kavan - wrote on 2008-11-05 15:38
He managed to re-energize the Batman franchise, why not another? I don't think this will top T2, but it should (hopefully) be better than T3.