X-Men Origins: Wolverine Movie Talk

Movie Talk Posts


patjohnson76 - wrote on 2009-03-22 10:27

All right, I'll say it: I enjoyed X3.I really liked X2 the first time I saw it; subsequent viewings made me think 'man, they really do stand around and talk a lot, don't they.'  I think while X2 favored story over action X3 put the action first and story second.  I can't say this made the movie suffer, it was nice to finally see Storm fly (other than the jet), the Pyro vs Iceman showdown, Beast, Juggernaut, Dark Phoenix, etc.  So I'll probably enjoy Wolverine regardless of how it is - I'll take the XMen on screen any way I can get them.


Hush - wrote on 2009-03-15 06:30

I think they should have given the Wolverine movie to New Line Cinema because we could have seen the real story of Wolverine and not the pop bubblegum version fox is spewing.

Aspiring Actor

JaysQ - wrote on 2009-03-10 23:19

I have plenty of misgivings about this film, but one thing that will really make me livid is if they pansify the actual adamantium bonding/Wolvie going murder style portion of the story (Which I can almost guarantee they will, especially with all the rumors that Fox execs want to "keep it clean")  I love the way Barry Windsor-Smith handled it way back and can only hope they keep some of that tone in the final product. http://fandom-film-review .blogspot.com

Austin Shagwell
Austin Shagwell

Austin Shagwell - wrote on 2009-03-10 16:32

Im hoping that this will be good, since X-Men is my favorite "comic book" movie. X3 did suck. hard. But i have high hopes!im really excited about Gambit too! i was him for halloween when i was a kid. He's allways been my favorite character from the series.

Aspiring Actress

wAzzU_AnGeL - wrote on 2009-03-10 04:08

I'm just excited to see Gambit. He's one of my favorite XMen and was disappointed he wasn't in any of the XMen movies. I have mixed feelings about how this movie will turn out, but I can't wait to see it.


Hush - wrote on 2009-03-06 04:52

I am very nervous about this movie too. I love the comics and am still hoping for a movie that will show the real side of Wolverine not the crying wuss we have come to know prtrayed by Jackman. Maybe Gerard Butler should have played him? They roginally had Russell Crowe cast in the original too. Hmm maybe I am just not satisfied with what they have done with the series...I try to like it too much.


CJP - wrote on 2009-01-25 02:04

I agree on every point with you! X3 was some badly wasted material and film. I was excited about this one when they showed the first, shorter trailer. This longer one though looks way overloaded with possibilities though: Wolverine, the Blob, Beak, Gambit, Sabretooth, Lady Deathstrike, Deadpool, the rest of Weapon X, etc.

Movie God

Alex - wrote on 2008-12-21 18:08

I am a little nervous about this one.  The director does not seem to be great, the trailer did not impress and X 3 was the worst in the series.

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