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BrandonMarlow's Information

Ranking Status: Aspiring Actor

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Favorite Genre: War

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Limitless is next to Idleness in todays culture

An intriguing start to this film holds the attention enough to carry you through the first part of any good story. The situation leading to the change in the main character’s life is plausible and therefore accepted as the story carries you along at breakneck speed. We have had films that bend our concepts of the world we live in such as Minority Report, Matrix and others by heavy CGI and special effects and they have held our interest to the very end. What is interesting about this film is that the actors, the plot and the words are convincing enough to let you into the world Bradley Cooper’s character finds himself in. To this extent it is a real film and if it were made in the fifties by Hitchcock and acted by Carrie Grant it would …

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