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Total Points 10

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Movie God

Robin's Information

Ranking Status: Aspiring Actress

Name: Robin Smith

Gender: Female

Current Area: Stamps, AR

Interests: Nature, Four wheeling, Mudding, my kids, Music Lots and Lots of It, Being a Good Mom, Having fun, Having great folks around me, Smiling and Being Happy, Shopping, My Hubby, Family and Freinds, Fishing, Hunting

Top Movie List

# Movie Title Rating Overall Add
1. The Godfather N/A 3.5/4
2. Pulp Fiction N/A 3.4/4
3. The Godfather: Part II N/A 3.4/4
4. Se7en N/A 3.3/4
5. Scarface N/A 3.1/4
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