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Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

HFolmar's Information

Ranking Status: Aspiring Actor

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Favorite Genre: Romance

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Rating of

The Great Gatsby (2013)


Upon the release of the Great Gatsby I was a bit nervous of its quality. Normally movies tend to be a disappointment when compared to their novel counterparts. I have always made it a personal rule to never see a movie without first reading the book and this case was no different. This classic tale of deceit, scandal, and murder would be hard to beat, but surprisingly the film was able to live up to the book's captive and thrilling reputation. Luhrmann's theatric interpretation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel is a thrilling, bright, and fast-paced drama that kept me on the edge of my seat for the entire two and a half hour run time. It is full of eye-catching scenes that completely convey the intended message of the plot, the decay of …

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