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Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

patmur's Information

Ranking Status: Aspiring Actor

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Favorite Genre: Western

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Logan (2017)

Mixing Genres: Superhero meets the Western

What do you do with a story line that's getting old and repetitive? One good solution is to experiment with dropping it into a whole different genre. Logan does exactly this, blending the superhero with the western. The film's acknowledgement to George Steven's Shane couldn't be more explicit. James Mangold takes a well worn superhero and refits him for the role of the classic reluctant hero, a staple of the American western. "Logan" is set in a arid, western landscape that's wide open and a perfect setting for the long distance George Miller style chase that structures the film. In place of outlaws, we have a predatory corporation, bristling with well armed mercenaries. These villains are pursuing and trying to destroy the …

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