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brettgallaher's Information

Ranking Status: Aspiring Actor

Name: Brett Gallaher

Gender: Male

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Favorite Genre: Action

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What it all a dream?

(Spoiler Alert) Okay, if you have seen Inception you probably have a few theories about the ending (or for that matter, the entire plot). From what I've read online, the major debate is whether or not Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) was dreaming at the end of the movie. He spins the top (which supposedly will not topple if he's dreaming) but the camera cuts away before you know what happens. Most opinions I've come across say he was dreaming. Here are their main reasons... 1). His kids never age. 2). You can't get out of Limbo. 3). His subconscious projections (the train, his kids, and Mal) are the only ones that infiltrate the dreams. The rest of the team brings in none of their own mental baggage. This suggests it is always …

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