Recent Comments
Jake Aesthete - wrote on 08/10/07 at 02:41 AM CT
9 Songs Review comment
Yes, don't watch this film if you think plot is the most important thing in cinema. Watch it if you want a poetic rumination on love and loss, with a lot of real insight into how people interact with each other and what love is really like.
Alex - wrote on 08/09/07 at 04:57 PM CT
I admit, I need to see event horizon again. Do you have it?
Ryan - wrote on 08/09/07 at 01:31 PM CT
Transformers maybe not so much. That's more a product of being a recent movie and the list being new. Stranger Than Fiction probably yes. I liked it better than just about any other will ferrell movie except possibly anchorman.
Here's my scenario: I search for Simpsons. I rate it and try to add it to my list with the +. I got an alert saying I need more points and to check the FAQ. I look for a FAQ link but I don't see anything. I eventually end up finding it at the bottom.
Ryan - wrote on 08/09/07 at 11:47 AM CT
You might want to look at adding a link to FAQ/Help somewhere towards the top of the page. Its kind of hidden being at the bottom of the page like that. It took me a little bit to find it.
TheWolf - wrote on 08/08/07 at 11:22 PM CT
LOL Just because I get bored and can write 30 - 40 reviews on a slow day you gotta play me like that hahaha. Let me guess your point structures are gonna be 1/2 a point for anything I post, and 25 - 30 for you and your boys for each movie you rate? LOL cause that may be the only way you catch me. Well let me know, my suggestion would be to simply increase the length of a full review to 700 - 1000 characters. Of course 90% of my reviews are close to 1500 anyway heh
Alex - wrote on 08/08/07 at 11:15 PM CT
Sunshine Review comment
I see some of your cliches you are talking about. But, to me it is better than event horizon in most ways. I won't really know how much better it is until I see it a second time - then it might become worse. My review is coming tomorrow I hope (I always sit on it a night).
Alex - wrote on 08/08/07 at 08:45 AM CT
You might think it is better than Shaun of the Dead....but I like the subject matter and the brother relationship better in SOTD.
kustaa - wrote on 08/07/07 at 06:53 AM CT
Ooh... It's ok. I haven't seen tons of classics too. They will always be there, so what's the hurry? :0P I think you're gonna love it. :0) Let me know when you did.