Recent Comments
kustaa - wrote on 09/06/07 at 06:34 AM CT
I know. *But* some of his sexy charming might compensate. I said *might*.
Super Kev - wrote on 09/05/07 at 11:03 PM CT
Thanx for the review comment, you rock.
Josh C - wrote on 09/05/07 at 09:31 PM CT
Haha, you get stuck with one of us 3 as friends. Soon you will be able to organize your friends and push me to the bottom though :)
Gabe - wrote on 09/05/07 at 08:57 PM CT
I agree, I did include the most obvious films, but, people are still talking about them some 70 years later. That's what makes them timeless. My "Top Movie List," though still including some of the same films, is a better representation of what I enjoy watching.