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Movie God

Unknown - wrote on 11/19/12 at 06:02 AM CT

I'd say that Wreck-It Ralph is better than Pixar's most recent offerings. I see it tredding close to the same level of the Toy Story films.

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 11/19/12 at 02:35 AM CT

Lincoln Review comment

Great review. Can't go wrong with Spielberg and Daniel Day Lewis. I can't wait to see this!

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 11/18/12 at 11:10 AM CT

Fear and Desire Review comment

I'm fascinated by your source in getting this. Lucky you! Now I'm envious since you mentioned FMJ hahaha Nice review.

Movie God

Unknown - wrote on 11/06/12 at 07:25 AM CT

I could see Flight being up for awards, but I don't see it winning any. The only nomination I'd be fully behind, would be Best Actor for Denzel. He deserves a nomination at the least.


JLFM - wrote on 11/03/12 at 02:05 PM CT

Thanks for reading. If you're a gamer I can't imagine you being disappointed with it.

Movie God

Alex - wrote on 09/30/12 at 09:47 PM CT

Yeah you should check it out. How much did you like There Will Be Blood?


JLFM - wrote on 09/29/12 at 10:12 PM CT

The Amazing Spider-Man Review comment

Excellent review. I liked it a bit more than you, but yeah, I agree that this was a somewhat generic action flick. Still, I liked it a lot more than I expected to.

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 09/14/12 at 12:20 AM CT

Hoop Dreams Review comment

Good review. Truly one of the best docs for me and basketball related flicks. One can never realize its length since its engaging from start to finish.

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 09/08/12 at 08:40 PM CT

The Cold Light of Day a horrendous. It's funny how many movies emulate Bourne. That and the hidden video shtick. What happened to creativity and originality?

Movie God

Unknown - wrote on 09/04/12 at 04:20 PM CT

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed Paths of Glory. The Killing is just as good, in my opinion. If you like heist or noir films, then you will probably dig it. The Criterion has some very interesting features.

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