Rating of
The Ridiculous 6
dukeakasmudge - wrote on 12/17/15
I guess I'm going to be 1 of the few who actually liked & enjoyed The Ridiculous 6.Before I watched the movie I read a bunch of reviews & none of them were any good.Most people said they couldn't sit through the whole movie & turned it off before it was even over so I expected to do the same but I didn't.After watching it, I don't get what's up with all the bad reviews.If I had any complaints, it would have to be the baseball scene.It was funny but it just didn't belong.Also Adam Sandler's character was over the top & way too much sometimes especially the opening scene where he beats up the gang of outlaws & the knives parkour scenes.Other than that, the movie was funny.If you have a sense of humor like I got & enjoy Westerns like I do then I think you'll enjoy The Ridiculous 6