Rating of
Subway has nothing on this place!
Matthew Sanchelli - wrote on 10/06/09
I first saw this movie when I rented it a few months back. I wasn't sure what to expect. It seemed like a decent watch and something I would enjoy watching either while working on a project; or early Sunday mornings.
I was right.
This movie is very very quickly climbing to be one of my all-time favorite movies.
Think of it like 'Empire Records' but in a Santa Cruz sandwich shop.
I will concede. It is not as classic as 'Empire' but it has the love of the characters and the general element of a great character piece that 'Empire' had.
This is not only the type of movie I would love to write and produce...but the characters in this movie are kind of living the life that I would not mind having.
Part of it speaks to my time out in LA and how much I miss the more 'carefree' attitude that I could feel from time to time. Sure my work weeks were mainly very odd and sometime stressful; but I spent most of my weekends somewhere along the coast and that would become part of de-stressing.
Then consider the job aspect. Now, I don't care too much for a sandwich shop...but a pseudo-dream I've had is to own my own bakery or diner. I've always thought of a career or job not being how much money you can make but how happy you are doing what you're doing. I like the social aspect of establishments. If I opened my own place, I would have a relatively open kitchen so the cook is as much involved, and known, in the place as everyone else.
Pretty much take elements of this movie and elements of Dean Koontz's 'Odd Thomas' and I'd have my dream job.
I got away from the original point of this post. It's a cheesy, feel-good movie about people making self-discoveries, finding love, and learning about life.
What can I say...I'm a sappy SOB.