Rating of
"Apartment 1303" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 01/07/12
Japanese hotties keep leaping to their deaths from the 13th floor of an apartment building, so yet another Japanese hottie takes it upon herself to investigate the strange smells and bumps in the night (in the dark and alone, of course.) Cue mysterious figures in white lurking in the background, scary apparitions, phone calls and dreams within dreams. A cop finds out about a death in the room, and it's hello tragic back story of the ghost and big showdown with it. Bada bing, bada boom. There's nothing particularly WRONG with apartment 1303 and if you're happy to sit through yet another identical production line J Horror give it a whirl, but if you prefer something with even the slightest hint of originality or invention this will be a bit of a snooze. And why are there never any MALE ghosts in Japan??