Yojimbo's Movie Review of Pineapple Express

Rating of

Pineapple Express

"Pineapple Express" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 02/12/12

Seth Rogen stars as a 25 year old stoner who witnesses a drug murder, so he and his waster dealer go on the run with two hitmen and a corrupt policewoman in pursuit. I'm not a big fan of contemporary American comedy but I enjoyed Superbad and thought I'd give this a go, but if I'd known it was a stoner comedy I probably wouldn't have bothered. I know from experience that stoners are THE most boring, immature and irritating people on the face of the Earth (with the possible exception of musicians' girlfriends, but I digress) and lo, Pineapple Express for the most part is watching two annoying people shout and repetitively bicker at each other while smoking weed and acting like a pair of tools. It has the now overly familiar cocktail of wacky gangsters in pursuit, punctuated with comic action sequences in which people who can't fight have fights, and people who can't shoot have shoot outs. It's as if Kevin Smith had done Planes Trains and Automobiles after watching Cheech & Chong and as a whole it's got enough going on to keep you interested. But it has one pretty fatal flaw. It isn't funny.

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