Rating of
"Day Watch" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 02/29/12
The sequel to Russian vampire movie Nightwatch, Daywatch continues the battle between the forces of light and darkness for supremacy on Earth. At least I think that's what it's about because it's so confusing it's quite difficult to tell. Not that it's complicated, it's such a mish-mash of unrelated and random ideas that it just makes little sense; in fact it's quite obvious that the script writer was just making it up as he went along, throwing everything he thought sounded "cool" into the mix with absolutely no thought to narrative, structure or even plain logic. This can be sometimes be successfully papered over by impressive action sequences, and there are some nice visual moments here, but that's all they are. Moments. Probably barely enough to scrape together into a flashy trailer. We never see any "battles", the action merely concerned with fast cars and property destruction and are just thrown in at random intervals with little affect on or relevance to the story. Add to this attempts at humour that are embarrassingly unfunny and you have a tediously overlong, self-indulgent mess of a film that fails to deliver on every level.