Rating of
"Ballistic: Ecks vs Sever" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 03/26/12
Antonio Banderas and Lucy Liu chase each other through a hail of bullets, broken glass and pointless explosions in this borderline nonsensical action flick. I literally cannot even attempt a synopsis of the plot because it makes so little sense! The characters are all cardboard cut-outs spouting action cliches and Ray Park is quite possibly the least charismatic villain I have ever seen. The fight choreography is clumsy and the constant stream of irrelevant stunts start to look plain silly after a while because there's so little plot to hang them on. If it weren't for the star names attached to it, this soulless and mechanical firework display would have struggled to make a straight to DVD release and is little better or intelligent than your average Van Damme debacle. If watching cars fly through the air and spontaneously explode for no reason to bad techno music is enough for you, then it may be worth 90 minutes of your time. If you need a coherent plot or remotely interesting characters, forget it.