Rating of
"Night Of The Demon" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 04/15/12
I was looking forward to this one as I'd read a lot of great things about it, but unfortunately these high hopes were thoroughly crushed. Dana Andrews plays a scientist out to debunk "witchcraft" when he encounters a sinister cult headed by Niall MacGinnis (not one, but BOTH being introduced by the old "newspaper headline" exposition trick). Cue Peggy Cummins as the typically sexist B-movie love interest and what follows is a load of absurdly pointed dialogue, even punctuated at various intervals by a thunderclap sound effect. Andrews does little but go round repeating the same Scullyisms to eccentric scientists spouting the usual "scientists have become too arrogant! We must open our minds to mumbo jumbo!" platitudes so favoured by fundamental christians. True, Tourneur does have a nice eye for composition and there are a couple of atmospheric scenes, but the demon looks laughable and despite it's classic status, the whole thing was clumsy, absurd and a real disappointment.