Rating of
Burning the Madman on Friday the 13th
kcvidkid - wrote on 10/27/08
I was quite eager to see "The Burning", because lately I had been reading that it is one of many people's favorite 80's slasher movies. I guess it never played in my home town during the 80's, because I had never even heard of it until I started seeing it in video stores.
Then, after I finally watched it, I learned that its status in slasher history is rather controversial. I guess fans either love it or hate it. And they are quite strong and outspoken in their opinions.
But I'm going to fall somewhere in the middle, admitting that it is better than most from that time period, but still terribly unoriginal.
While there is no surprise or twist ending, ala "Friday the 13th", there are some individual scenes that scare, even though they are telegraphed by the music and the pace. The special effects are top-notch and the acting above average.
But I'll argue that the cast is no more likeable, nor the characters any more fleshed-out, than any number of other 80's slasher flicks. And that's somewhat a disappointment since at least three future stars appeared in "The Burning": Jason Alexander, Holly Hunter and Fisher Stevens. I think that's because the cast is really too large, each being underutilitzed.
The one noticeable difference in "The Burning" is that it is not the innocent, virginal girl left standing at the end; it is the innocent, virginal boy. While that is a difference, it is not one that necessarily makes the movie any better.
Skin rating = 2.5 (out of 5). There's quite a bit, but mostly young and pudgy. The exception is the main character (Brian Matthews) who is quite proud of going shirtless, or at least unbuttoned to mid-chest, as it is all the way through the blood-drenched finale.