Rating of
Call me when she gets divorced!
kcvidkid - wrote on 11/10/08
I can't remember when I've hated a movie more! I don't even know how to express if it was "good" or not because I simply hated it.
The people were absolutely unfamiliar to me; therefore, I could not relate. I'm not sure "pretentious" is the right word, but they certainly were no family I have ANY belief actually exist. It's like the know-it-all college professor merged with a 24/7 musician's selfish, imaginary world.
Then imagine spending the weekend with them. We don't just experience the up and down dramas that unfold during the wedding, we suffer through every boring speech at the rehearsal dinner, a thrilling "load the dishwasher" contest and a constant soundtrack by visiting musician houseguests from around the world.
WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!? (And who cares!)
Anne Hathaway IS good and she'll probably be nominated. But her actual drama is miniscule compared to the rest of the movie. There were one or two genuine moments (which is why I rated the movie what I did), but I needed more. I feel there was something potential with Debra Winger as Mom, but certainly nothing that was remotely resolved here.