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Pretty good ending to a dismal series
Lee - wrote on 11/25/12
This is one book to movie adaptation (Although a cash grab as this story could've been easily told within one movie) that i would love to say what i usually say and that is the book was better but you know what? I can't as the ending gives you more or less the Meyer version that is the book and you get director Bill Condon's version as well that entwine quite well actually. So a two for one type ending is not a bad thing in a movie world that provides so little these days. The film starts pretty much where 'Breaking Dawn Prt 1' left off.. Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) is dealing with two major life changing things in her life..1..Becoming a newborn vampire and two...becoming a mommy to a baby girl named Renesme (The worst storybook name i have ever seen) who seems to, due to the fact that she is half vampire/half human, have powers of her own such as mind reading and levitation, she also has starting aging rapidly. So all these things considered she has to still come up with an idea on what to tell her dad Charlie (Billy Burke) who only thinks she is still ill from her and new beau Edward's (Robert Pattinson) 's honeymoon trip. Needless to say alot has gone on in short time in her life.
The Cullen family thanks to Alice (Ashley Greene) are soon to find out that one of their cousins has seen Bella walking Renesmee, and her powers as she flies up to touch a falling snowflake, the cousin informs the powerful sect The Volturi of this new edition to the Cullen family with inquisitions and questions they all come looking for the Cullens. This sets off Alice and Jasper (Jackson Rathbone) to find who they believe is the only other hybrid like Renessmee to hopefully avoid war with the Volturi.
A good ending to a series of films that in my mind were more off then on. Hey at least they ended it properly in my mind. Maybe Condon should've directed the lot?? Who knows?