Rating of
Under-rated Marvel Superheroe Get's His Movie.
LeopardExplosion - wrote on 06/15/08
The television ads put this movie in a stage of injustice. I frankly still wanted to see it. So I did. It was hyped incredibly. And the hype was deserved. Iron Man, is simply the best superheroe film I have seen yet. It just beats out Batman Begins, which was a surprise. The suit was kick-ass. Robert Downey Jr. Somehow pulled off playing Tony Stark, and he did a hell of a good job doing it. The special effects were great, and overall just one of the many epics of 2008 so far.
Though the villains didn't really develop, or create some spark or rivalry. Still, not too many cons to complain about. Pure Marvel Brilliance.
FINAL SCORE :::: 83% ::::