Rating of
A Movie Good For The Soul
Ollievee79 - wrote on 07/19/08
This movie is one of those unexplained movies that etch a place in your life and you have no idea why. I first saw this movie when I was in high school and I watched it over and over again. Back then I think I liked it because it is a good ensemble cast. At the time it came out I was 16-years-old and I probably thought the characters in this movie were sooo cool and I couldn't wait to be that age. Well, now I am that age and I think the reason I still enjoy this movie is that it takes me back to living at home, sitting in my parents' livingroom watching this. It takes place in winter, and for some reason winter movies always make me feel cozy. Whenever I am sick or longing for cold, simple winter days, I pop in this movie. This movie is a simple dramatic comedy that can best be described as a coming of age movie for people in their late twenties who should have already come of age. This movie also has a wonderful soundtrack that I could listen to all day long.