Rating of
That awkward moment when this movie f*cking blows.
memento_mori - wrote on 05/15/14
I know relationships are not as simple as they are in this one, I know it is way too cheesy and so into itself to be anywhere near realistic to the way two people act or look or dress or do things for that matter, nevertheless, I found myself not hating this one. Just hating it slightly.
While it does try to undermine and have fun with the concept of 'being different from a normal date movie' it doesn't understand that it falls directly into the same category by the 45-minute mark.
The screenplay is by far the most disappointing aspect of the movie, relying on typical situational humor which no one on earth would use in reality, but the unfunny jokes and juvenile, pitifully bad delivery and comedic timing are the least of this film's faults.
The characters are first-world-problem test subjects. Who in their right mind acts as these people do for so long without accomplishing anything else in their lives?
And with that said, it makes it even worse that the director thought the humor warranted a place with these genuinely talented actors, who are portraying the by God most unfunny and hypocritical characters in New York.
Scenes flash by with a joke ratio of one per scene, relying on the viewer to fill the gaps the pretty much free-styling filmmakers chose not to enclose during the editing phase. There are scenes where the jumpy, unsubtle introductions work, such as the only hilarious scene in the whole film involving a dress-up party, and most other instances it's simply - title drop - awkward.
The scenes which were actually meant to be romantic and delicate come off as manipulative. Terrible dialogue, terrible chemistry, terrible events, but I guess the actors did what they could.
To put it straight and simply: the worst thing a comedy can do is not be comedic or funny, but you didn't need me to tell you that.
In the end, it turned into something it shouldn't have, becoming unintentionally dumb and, as most date movies, foreseeably doomed in the process.
An embarrassment which got on my nerves, but still had the minor laugh here and there to loosen the tension between my mind and the logic of this film.