Unknown's Movie Review of Air (2015)

Rating of

Air (2015)

Good Premise, Bad Ending
Unknown - wrote on 12/21/15

An interesting sci-fi concept that becomes only half realized. Our two main characters (for almost the entire movie) are tasked with maintaining the freezing sleep containers that house some of the world's most brilliant minds, after an apparent apocalyptic situation. It's unclear how long this job actually lasts, as it seems to be years. The actual purpose for the long time period is never told. There's a few other crucial details missing that could've been easily explained in one or two lines. These absent pieces of information did bother me. It didn't become apparent until the latter half, though. The fist half had me on board immediately through the establishment of the two leads. Their workplace relationship has them at odds with each other, which feeds into their eventual opposition. It was believable. I could side with either man's reasoning on the situation. The only problem is that the movie wants us to sympathize with one in particular by the time the finale comes and I wasn't willing to accept that. I wasn't invested in the victor of the troubles because of how his character's psyche was handled. The two of them squaring off didn't seem necessary, either.

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