Rating of
grand budapest hotel
Amy - wrote on 04/13/14
Lovely, but I am still processing it.Tthere were things I absolutely *adored*... but at the same time, there were points that became a little cartoonish, a little Rocky and Bullwinkle, which is part of WA's style, but not my favorite part. I usually feel there is heart and soul underneath all the style and panache in his movies, and when they dip over into cartoons, I lose sight of that.
But also... and this is also standard WA, but every single frame was so *packed* with information -- beautiful things to look at and compositionally, and the soundtrack, and the performances of course, and the writing... it's really too much for the brain to process on one viewing. so I don't think I will have a real verdict on this until I've seen it half a dozen more times.