Rating of
I like it!
Rachel M. - wrote on 07/21/08
I know, I know. Two movies in a weekend. Shut up. But I do know this - I am a cool wife for not making my husband go see this with me. I respect his masculinity too much. He was playing poker with the boys, so I took my opportunity to escape. I was on a mission to get a new phone - I've had mine so long I'm out of contract by several months! Got the Verizon LG Dare. I think I like it. Better network than what you get with the iPhone. So I ventured to Union Station, which is my new happy place. I will be going there in my mind during my next pap smear. (TMI? sorry) And I stayed for the movie.
A movie based on the music of ABBA? Wasn't that Muriel's Wedding? (AWESOME flick, btw) I couldn't resist. This is the funny thing - I've read the most disparaging reviews of this film, and I don't disagree with them, yet I STILL liked the movie.
It's like Calgon, it takes you away - to the Greek Isles, to a place where life is (beautiful all the time?) simpler, nay simplistic, but dreamy. The gorgeous Mediterrenean Sea, the beach, the sun, the tropical vegitation, and pretty people with flowing hair blowing in the wind, free of product. Ahhhh... its so very nice.
The plot is as fluffy and ridiculous as a Shakespearean comedy. The singing and dancing are very much reminiscent of a Bollywood production, which I like. We'll see if the rest of America is as ready to branch out this way as I am. History shows us that when times are bad, people flock to escapism. Bet on comedies and musicals when there are wars, recessions and famine. When life gets too serious, people don't go to movies to think, they go to laugh and get away. They go for fantasy. Not reality. Which is why I'm looking into investing in entertainment. I was sniffing down a path, as a matter of fact, and found George Soros was thinking exactly what I was... which I think is a good sign. Anyway.
Meryl Streep was featured a LOT more than I was expecting, and she's fine in the role. She might have brushed her hair and lost the overalls a bit sooner. Seeing Pierce Brosnan sing was jarring at first. Then I saw the credits. (!) I love the guy, and he obviously didn't want to be type cast as the James Bond type for the rest of his career! :) Good for him. Break out role for Amanda Seyfried who I love from Big Love. Wow for her. Aishwarya Rai - watch out! She sings and the camera loves her.
Don't see this movie if you're going to be a stick in the mud about it. If you can't suspend your disbelief... a LOT you'll just end up rolling your eyes the whole time and annoying the people who brung ya. This is why hubby wasn't invited. :)