Rating of
Great for fans of X-Men, VG for all else
Cavernstones - wrote on 06/01/14
Brian Singer brings a nice even pace to the film and superstar Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique/Raven) is showcased prominently. He is able to blend the two ensembles from the run of the movies nicely into an action packed fun adventure.
Keep in mind this is a comic book movie, so no academy awards for best screenplay or costumes or acting will be derived from this. That being said, the special effects are quite well done, and generally speaking the motivations and thought process of each individual character is brought out subtly, but lets you understand the logic of the progression of the film.
Another bright spot is the writing in of Quicksilver/Peter (Evan Peters) who evoked memories of the bullet camera approach from The Matrix but on steroids.
Loosely based on the events in the X-Man comic books number 141-142 and following the events in X-Men:First Class, Dr. Bolivar Trask (delgithfully played by Peter Dinklage) begins work to on a way to counter the potential threat of these powerful new mutants. As a result of his work and a mutant attack, in 1973 the government builds Sentinels, which can detect and then hunt down anyone with the mutant x gene.
Fast forward 50 years and now the Sentinels have nearly hunted down all mutants, friends or family of mutants, anyone that has aided a mutant, and anyone just carrying the gene that might be passed on. As the remaining X-men (and some new that were met in the interim) make a final stand, Wolverine's (Hugh Jackman) conscience is sent back to his earlier self in order to stop the mutant attack.