PsychoKing1227's Movie Review of Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

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Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Ewoks Suck
PsychoKing1227 - wrote on 10/04/08

Okay, so I was torn with this one. Yes, it concluded the story (albeit with the stupid Ewoks) and it showed Carrie Fisher in a bikini in a California/Arizona desert plain on a flying ship. What isn't to love? This one lacked the seriousness and shock-value of its predecessor, though at the same time, it offered much more action and innovative new special effects. When I was a kid, this was my favorite because of the new territories and Jabba the Hut and everything, but as I watch it now, I'm a bit disappointed when I compare it to the original two.

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